NCR Easypoint 5303
The NCR EasyPoint 53 delivers optimum functionality with a very small footprint, offering a
whole range of services from a machine not much larger than an average-sized cash register. Even with its full-sized features and keys, and a large, high-resolution color flat-panel screen, the NCR EasyPoint 53 is still flexible enough to meet any owner's space restrictions.

ncr 5870 history

NCR 5870
NCR 5870 is the most modern compact lobby 5th generation (PersonaS) ATM. It has traditional NCR vacuum dispenser and two thermal printers. There is typically color monitor and BAPE/HIBAPE encryptor with DES algorithm, or, sometimes EKC/EKCSM encryptor. This ATM can be upgraded with a EPP encryptor required to support Triple DES and other modern algorithms (most recently manufactured ATMs has EPP preinstalled). This ATM can be also upgraded with a EMV 3.1.1 compliant smart card reader (also preinstalled on most recently manufactured ATMs). There is not much difference between 5870 and its predecessor 5670, with exception of external design and computing power.